Orthopedic Surgery Cost in India


Orthopedic Surgery Cost - Joints pain is very painful. It main mainly occurs with the people age more than 50 years but it can be in any age. Orthopedic surgery is a medical specialty dedicated to the care of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Orthopedic Surgeons employ both surgical and nonsurgical methods to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders, aiming to alleviate pain and restore mobility and function to patients of all ages.


  1. The book begins with a glimpse of the world of orthodontics and its various branches. The introductory chapters on lingual orthodontics explain the evolution of lingual technique through the years. It describes the diagnostic considerations which hold the key to successful lingual orthodontic treatment and covers information on various types of brackets designed specifically for lingual orthodontics, specialized instruments, laboratory techniques, and the indirect method of bonding. A substantial chapter has been devoted to biomechanics involved in lingual orthodontics. The entire volume is devoted to the invisibly visible technique with special reference to the scope of lingual orthodontics. This book can serve as a chair-side manual in addition to being an excellent reference.
    Lingual Orthodontics


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